Calibration of ionization chambers (dose calibrators) used in nuclear medicine
Traceability for the following radionuclides: 18F, 67Ga, 90Y, 99mTc, 111In, 123I, 125I, 131I, 137Cs, 153Sm, 177Lu, 201Tl, 223Ra
Calibration of radiometers (gamma-ray spectrometers)
Atomtex AT1320, BRIGHTSPEC and equivalent
Calibration of dose rate meters (monitors)
Rados RDS-30, RaySafe, Atomtex AT1125, and equivalent; up to 5 points
Calibration of surface contamination meters
Contamat and equivalent; up to 5 points
Calibration of sources of ionizing radiation
β, γ, α emitters / point and plate (e. g., disk-shaped) sources
Determination of activity concentration of radionuclides in water
γ emitters; performed from 2 litres
Determination of bulk activity of tritium in water
Performed from 0.5 litre
Determination of activity concentration of radio-carbon (14C) in water
Performed from 1 litre.
Determination of activity concentration of radio-nickel (63Ni) in water
Performed from 1 litre.
Determination of activity concentration of radio-strontium (89/90Sr) in water
Performed from 1 litre.
Determination of activity concentration of plutonium (238Pu, 239/240Pu) in water
Performed from 5 litres.
Production of a sample for testing
Ash of bio-fuel, bio-fuel (chipped wood), and other matrices
Production of an unquenched scintillating solution in the standard geometry of an LSC vial
3H, 14C, 36Cl, 63Ni, 90Sr+90Y, 99Tc, 129I, 137Cs
Calibration of a gamma-ray spectrometer with an HPGe detector
In the range of 46.5 keV – 2615 keV for a selected geometry
Calibration of a liquid scintillation counter (spectrometer)
3H, 14C, 36Cl, 90Sr+90Y, 99Tc
Calibration of an alpha- spectrometer
234U, 238U, 241Am, 242Pu

Irina Fiodorova
El. paštas:
Tel. nr.: +37063376518