Calibration of a standard resistor
Within the boundaries of 1 mΩ – 1 TΩ.
Calibration of a resistor set
Within the boundaries of 1 Ω – 1 GΩ.
Calibration of a high resistance resistor set
Within the boundaries of 1 GΩ – 1 TΩ.
Calibration of an ohmmeter, voltmeter, multimeter, or a calibrator
Within the boundaries of 1 Ω – 1 TΩ, 0,1 V – 1000 V (DC), 0,1 V – 1000 V (10 Hz – 1 MHz), 100 μA – 100 mA (DC).
Calibration of a resistance bridge
Within the boundaries of 1 Ω – 1 GΩ.
Calibration of a DC voltage source of two nominal values against a Zener or the primary (Josephson) voltage standard
Calibrated against zener’s voltage standard (1,018 V) or the primary (Josephson) (10 V) voltage standard.
Calibration of an AC (from 10 Hz to 1 MHz) voltage source
Calibration is carried out in range of 2 mV to 1000 V.
Calibration of a DC current source
Within the range of 100 μA to 100 mA.

Irina Fiodorova
El. paštas:
Tel. nr.: +37063376518