Corrosion tests of metals and their alloys in the artificial atmosphere of neutral salt mist
Corrosion tests of metals and their alloys and anodic, cathode metal coatings, conversant coatings, anodic oxide coatings and organic coatings on metal materials in the artificial atmosphere of neutral salt mist according to LST EN ISO 9227:2017[FI1].
Assessment of damage to the coatings
Assessment of coating damage according to LST EN ISO LST EN ISO 10289, LST EN ISO 4628-2, LST EN ISO 4628-3, LST EN ISO 4628-4, LST EN ISO 4628-5, LST EN ISO 4628-6, LST EN ISO 4628-7 part.
Determination of the clutch of coatings
Mesh notch test according to LST EN ISO 2409.
Determination of resistance to liquids
The determination of resistance to liquids is determined by immersion in liquids other than water (LST EN ISO 2812-1) and by immersion in water (LST EN ISO 2812-2).
Continuous condensation test
The study is carried out in accordance with the LST EN ISO 6270-1 standard.
Determination of moisture resistance
The study is carried out in accordance with the LST EN ISO 6270-2 standard.
Corrosion test in acid acetate Cu-reinforced salt mist
The study is carried out in accordance with the LST EN ISO 9227:2017 standard.
Immersion in liquids and weighting of samples
The study is carried out in accordance with the ASTM F 483 standard.
Corrosion assessment in aviation maintenance reagents
The study of cadmium steel plates is carried out in accordance with the ASTM F 1111-08b standard.
“Sandwich” corrosion test
Evaluation of samples according to the ASTM F 1110-02 standard.
Cyclic corrosion test
Cyclic corrosion test for standardized cadmium steel plates according to the SAE AIR6130 standard.
MEK Test
The test is performed according to the ASTM D 4752 – 98 standard.

Irina Fiodorova
El. paštas:
Tel. nr.: +37063376518