Lubricant base oil compositions of mono-unsaturated dibasic acid esters with branched alcohols The present invention relates to the use of a composition of dibasic esters of monounsaturated linear ±, É-diacids as a lubricant constituent, said composition comprising from 60 to 100% by weight: according to option a) of at least one monounsaturated ±-É dibasic ester compound of Formula (I) : €ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ R1-OOC-(CH 2 ) x -CH=CH-(CH 2 ) y -COO-R2 with x + y being an integer in the range from 10 to 22, and with R1 and R2 being identical or different and being selected from the residues of branched alcohols with at least 5 carbon atoms (in C 5 ) with said branched alcohols being either saturated or mono unsaturated and bearing at least one branch in C 1 to C 6 or according to option b) of a mixture comprising : b1) at least one monounsaturated ±-É dibasic ester compound of Formula (I) as defined above in option a) and b2) at least one monounsaturated ±-É dibasic ester compound of Formula (II) : €ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ€ƒ R’1-OOC-(CH 2 ) x -CH=CH-(CH2)y – COO-R’2 (II) with x + y being as defined in Formula (I) above ; and with R’1 and R’2 being identical or different and selected from the residues of methanol or ethanol, said composition having a weight content in estolides of the corresponding mono unsaturated acids of less than 1% w/w. The invention further relates to a lubricant composition issued from said use and its use in transport, agriculture, food and industrial applications. METHOD AND GENERATOR FOR GENERATING ULTRA-SHORT LIGHT PULSES This invention relates to the field of laser technology and more particularly to the ultra-short pulse generation methods and generators. One round trip of the ultra-short light pulse formation inside a generator optical loop comprises these steps: amplification of the light pulse, spectral broadening of the amplified light pulse due to the optical Kerr effect inside the optically transparent medium, selection of the predeterminated spectral components of the spectrally broadened light pulses by using the first spectrally-sensitive optical element, then again follows amplification of the selected light pulses, spectral broadening of the amplified light pulse due to the optical Kerr effect inside the optically transparent medium and selection of the predeterminated spectral components of the spectrally broadened light pulses by using the second spectrally-sensitive optical element, where spectral components of the light pulses selected using the first spectrally-sensitive optical element are different than the spectral components of the light pulses selected using the second spectrally-sensitive optical element. Method and apparatus for laser cutting of transparent media The invention relates to cutting of transparent materials (11) based on the use of radiation of an ultra-short pulse laser with two wavelengths and their temporal and/or spatial alignment. Proposed method comprises focusing of two pulsed beams ((IR, UV) of laser radiation with different wavelengths inside said transparent medium at different focal planes relative to depth of the processed transparent medium. The pulses of the laser radiation beams with different wavelengths arrive to their focal planes at different time moments, wherein the laser radiation pulses with the longer wavelength are delayed relative to the laser radiation pulses with the shorter wavelength. The cutting speed and quality are controlled by experimental preselecting of the pulse delay time, pulse energy ratio and spatial position of the focal planes relative to each other for said two pulsed beams of laser radiation with the different wavelengths Magnetic induction measuring device and method The invention relates to measuring instruments, used to measure a magnetic field. It can be used in measuring, controlling and monitoring systems where constant or variable scalar magnetic flux density (magnetic induction) measurements are taken. The device transforms the magnetic induction values into an electrical signal indicating the resistance change using a thin magnetoresistive manganite film sensor. In order to compensate the temperature errors, the device is provided with resistive temperature sensor comprising a thin temperature-sensitive metal film, which is insensitive to the magnetic field for determining the temperature in real time. The thin films of the two sensors are parallel to each other, face one another and separated by a thin layer of heat conductive dielectric thermally softened compound. Bioactive compound delivery assembly The present invention relates to a bioactive compound delivery assembly, a method for stabilization and/or encapsulation of bioactive compound compositions, a method for solid-supported transfection of living cells as well as a use of the bioactive compound delivery assembly. METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETECTION OF ELEMENTAL GASEOUS MERCURY IN AIR OR IN OTHER GASES The present invention relates to the field of material analysis and air pollution research. Proposed method comprises collection of elemental gaseous mercury by passing a sample of air or other gases through a collection zone formed as gold structure (2) inside a quartz tube (1), desorption of the collected elemental gaseous mercury by heating the collection zone up to desorption temperature and transmitting of the desorbed elemental gaseous mercury to a mercury analyzer. Seeking to improve the precision of gaseous elemental mercury detection, the desorbed elemental gaseous mercury together with other possibly desorbed gaseous admixtures in the air or other gases are passed through a zone of oxidation, which is heated up and maintained at temperature in a range from 350°C to 1000°C, preferably in a range from 900°C to 1000°C, and more preferably at 960°C during the desorption oxidation step. Temperature of oxidation zone is maintained in a range from ambient temperature to 500°C during the collection step. The collection zone of the quartz tube (1) during collection step is maintained preferably at 200°C. Method of forming periodic structures in thin films using interfering laser beams The invention relates to the field of laser technology and provides for the direct formation methods of periodic structures in thin films, and can be used to produce periodic structures (arrays) for spectral and other optical devices, as well as shielding of electromagnetic field. This invention seeks to form periodic structures directly without using intermediate films (photoresist) and without using additional operations (placing photoresist, developing, chemical etching), and to control the formation of periodic structures with different shapes. Three or four, or six interfering laser beams get directed into the thin material film, in such a way that by interfering they would form a periodic laser radiation intensity distribution. At the high intensity zones of the interference pattern, the film material is ablated, while the remaining film material forms the periodic structure, which corresponds to the layout of low-intensity interference image. The shape of the formed periodic structures can be changed, by modifying the overall level of intensity of the interfering laser beams directed into the said film, by satisfying the condition the condition that the said total intensity at the maxima of the formed intensity distribution should be greater than the evaporation intensity threshold of the said film. LT – Drėgmę transportuojanti dvisluoksnė megztinė medžiaga EN – DOUBLE LAYER MOISTURE MANAGEMENT KNITTED FABRIC Išradimas priklauso tekstilės pramonei, būtent, pasižyminčių geromis drėgmės transportavimo nuo kūno į išorę savybėmis megztinių medžiagų grupei. Medžiaga pagaminta kombinuotu interlokiniu pynimu skersinio mezgimo būdu. Vidinis, prie kūno besiliečiantis sluoksnis, yra iš hidrofobinio pluošto gijinių siūlų ar verpalų, o išorinis sluoksnis – iš hidrofobinio ir hidrofilinio pluoštų gijinių siūlų ar verpalų, arba iš didesnio ir mažesnio elementaraus pluošto storio hidrofobinio pluošto gijinių siūlų ar verpalų. Vidinio sluoksnio vertikalus tankumas yra dvigubai mažesnis, negu išorinio sluoksnio. Medžiagos paviršinis tankis yra 120-240 g/m2, kaupiamasis vienpusio drėgmės transportavimo indeksas ir bendroji drėgmės transportavimo geba yra gero, labai gero ar aukštesnio lygmens. Atsparumas pūkavimuisi ir pumpuravimuisi ir yra ne žemesnis kaip 4-5 laipsnio. LT – Mikrobangų ir terahercų dažnių elektromagnetinės spinduliuotės jutiklis EN – SENSOR FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION OF MICROWAVE AND TERAHERTZ FREQUENCIES Išradimas skirtas puslaidininkinių įtaisų sričiai ir yra susijęs su puslaidininkiniais elektromagnetinės spinduliuotės jutikliais. Pasiūlytas jutiklis, apima peteliškės pavidalo puslaidininkio planarinį darinį, asimetriškai platėjantį iš centro į priešingas puses, kur darinio viena pusė platėja staigiau nei kita priešinga jai pusė, taip suformuojant jutiklio staigiai platėjančią dalį ir lėtai platėjančią dalį. Planarinis darinys apima puslaidininkio pagrindą, turintį puslaidininkio aktyviąją sritį, kurią apibrėžia staigiai platėjanti dalis, ir stipriau, ne mažiau kaip dviem eilėmis lyginant su aktyviąja sritimi, legiruoto puslaidininkio sritis, kurias apibrėžia lėtai platėjanti dalis ir bent dalis, kuri pratęsia staigiai platėjančią dalį į išorę. Stipriai legiruoto puslaidininkio sritys yra padengtos metalo sluoksniu, tarp kurio ir stipriai legiruoto puslaidininkio srities suformuotas ominis sąlytis. Siekiant padidinti jutiklio jautrį metalo sluoksnis, dengiantis puslaidininkio dalį, kuri pratęsia staigiai platėjančią dalį į išorę, yra pratęstas centro kryptimi virš puslaidininkio aktyviosios srities plačiosios dalies dalinai ją perdengiant ir suformuojant sklendę, kuri turi neominį sąlytį su po ja esančia puslaidininkio aktyviosios srities dalimi.